Thursday, March 24, 2011

To Autumn, printed

Okay, okay: impatience got the better of me.
I knew some more cutting was necessary.
I knew the paper was rubbish.
And I hadn't inked it enough.
So it was always going to be a rough.
But I just had to have a looky-looky.
So here it is in that rough state.

I had forgotten how much I love the magic of pulling a print and seeing the result. Really exciting. Takes me back to my childhood when a John Bull printing set was always on my Christmas list.
I had also forgotten how messy it is. Or rather how messy I am.

Anyway, now to finish the cutting - only a few tweaks - and track down some decent paper. And that will be the hard part, I fear.


  1. Oh! Thats really good Amanda.I like Lino cuts. My Grandad used to do them and had all the little tools . Theres something permanent and solid about them. Alan

  2. Hi Alan. Yep I'm having fun. Carving it out is very therapeutic. Off on a paper mission today though. Very frustrating.
