Thursday, October 13, 2011

All we like sheep ...

... is the name of a piece by Handel (I think), and I always have. Liked sheep, that is. 
I'm the mad woman who quietly squeals with delight when I get back to England and pass my first green field of sheep on the train.

So I had these scraps left over from my Naples Letter collage and they were hanging around on my table top and rather than throw them away I made one of my miniatures:

Sheep 1
Which of course led to me doing a larger one, the composition of which was based on a drawing I did ages ago of sheep in Edale, where I lived at one time.

Going With the Herd


  1. I love sheep too. Always regret not having my camera with me when they're out by the road as I pass by. Why do they always look like they're posing for a painting?
    Love yours!

  2. Thanks Robin ... they always manage to look so picturesque and convey a sense of peace - must be all those psalms ... I remember having to draw pictures of the good shepherd in primary school - it was always the sheep and getting as many into the picture as possible that interested me!

  3. Great subjects this little sheep.
