Sunday, June 19, 2011

Defeated by technology

The computer man came to give my computer some much-needed oomph the other day and install a new second-hand printer. And enable some things and disable others. Among which last appears to be my facility to upload photos from my camera and bung them into a file. Or even to upload anything from existing files onto here. I am sure it is still there somewhere. Unfortunately I haven't a clue where. Or how. Or what.
So the photo I took of my latest work-in-progress (the now demolished Steventon Rectory) languishes in my camera.
Just thought I'd pop in to say that and explain my continuing silence.
An artist's blog without a picture isn't worth the cyber paper it's printed on.

Okay..... I have managed to get to upload stuff, namely this Brontë drawing, from my existing files.
New photos are still a mystery though.
I'm working on it...

I hope to resume normal communication soon.


  1. Too bad computers don't think like artists. It would make life so much simpler.
    'Like the Bronte sisters drawing. Looking forward to seeing the progress on it (and the computer wrestling contest).

  2. Ah yes, computers! Can't live with them, don't want to live without them! REALLY enjoyed the Bronte sisters novel. What amazing short lives they had. I like your drawing.

  3. Hi Robin and Deb,

    I think posting something as basic as a line drawing was my subconscious protest to technology.

    Total frustration as I don't think it can be fixed (by reinstalling something that was erased) before next weekend. I am too much of a scaredy cat to try to do it myself in case I lose the approx 1000 photos (yeah, I know) on my camera.

    Amazing short lives seems to be a theme running through my current project now I come to think of it ... the Brontes, Keats, Woolf, now Jane Austen ... I must look for a subject who lived to a ripe old age. Voila - Wordsworth (in his case a tedious old age I suspect - but a lovely cottage ...).

    A propos (golly all this Frenchiness!) of Woolf I have just come away from one of my favourite blogs while sipping tea - I highly recommend

