Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Working on Wordsworth

It's coming together at last.
I was still faffing around in a fairly directionless manner, abandoning the board and going back to my doodle book.

 Then I found these four tranquil lines from a longer poem by Wordsworth called To Sleep:

A flock of sheep that leisurely pass by
One after one; the sound of rain, and bees
Murmuring; the fall of rivers, winds and seas,
Smooth fields, white sheets of water, and pure sky ...

Then I found a couple of full page Dolce & Gabanna ads in some magazines I bought at the car boot sale on Saturday .... allowing me some big pieces for smooth fields in just the right Lake Districty shade ...

 Another day or two and plenty of foliage should do it.
I want to keep it looking rough-hewn.


  1. Love seeing this picture grow and evolve Amanda. Collage is such a creative way of recycling overlooked papers and magazines. This work retains a rugged, naive feel, perfect for the Lakeland terrain and cottage. Can't wait to see the finished article :) ~ Kind regards Anni

  2. It already looks pretty interesting, but I will look forward to seeing the finished piece. I love the windows and the sheep (I've always liked sheep - they are so cute!). Thank you for sharing the "process" of creation.

  3. Looks great! I love hearing and seeing how you get to the finished picture.
