Monday, April 9, 2012

On my studio doorstep this morning ...

Jess, looking even more surprised than I was.
 And I don't think the cat brought it!

4, Sydney Place (detail)
 Very quietly done as I was in, wrestling with the last bits of my Bath terrace house, but I may have been shouting at Radio 4 at the time (Mark Lawson should be taken out and shot for producing that tosh that passes for the 15 minute drama). Anyway, thank you to my daughter (in London) who arranged for a friend to make the special delivery and thank you again to my other one (also in London) for my new laptop. 

I just hope I can get to grips with the technical stuff and stop having to keep plugging in the old Amstradosaurus to upload photos on blog and other sites, various.

New laptop (with dinosaur keyboard in the background)


  1. Lovely gifts from your girls! 'Sydney Place' is looking great, too. Lesley

  2. What a lovely surprise on your doorstep and I love the peek at your Bath terrace house. What lovely daughters you have!

  3. Lucky you! Is that chocolate I can see? Daughters are lovely, I have two also. And the terrace house looks delightful! Love the curtains in the top windows.

  4. Great present! New technical gizmos are such a treat! But I have to spend twice as much time to make friends with it. Like the crop on the detail of Sydney Place.

  5. Thank you for all your lovely comments everyone!
